October 1, 2008

Bloggin on the Camino....

I must say blogging on the Camino leaves alot to be desired. There is so much that happens everyday and life is so rich. So many sights, so many people, so many thoughts. When I sit down to write I often don´t know where to start. What you see in my blog is really just a collection of snipets. Merely snap shots of a moving picture. Often when I blog its not the most convenient time to write, or, even a time when I feel like writing. However, I really enjoy being able to share what I can when I have a chance. I´ve really made an effort to seek out a computer every evening. Often times the computers I find are non funciona or intermittantly funciona. Not to mention, internet time in Spain is relatively expensive and free albergue computers are often hard to use for more than 10 - 15 min..... I have not followed or seen any news for the past month. I know that Houston had a hurricance right after I left but I know very few details. I also have been quite bad about managing my personal emails, so, my apologies to anyone I´ve been slow to respond to..... I´m sure I´ll have more to write about the Camino after the Camino when I can sit down, collect thoughts and focus a bit more... Buen Camino !

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