June 7, 2015

A Lovely Day

My campsite located on a farm just outside of Padstow was great and provided the best night’s sleep I’ve had since leaving Houston. I awoke with a stiff leg and sore right knee but brushed it off as being part of the break in period as it’s proving to be. Once I got moving, the muscles loosened from an awkward hobble to a normal walk. Perhaps I’m feeling my age a little but I’ll deny it as long as I can.

Today was a one of those days that reminds me of why I am doing what I’m doing. The skies were crystal blue clear with a slight chill in the air. Breezy winds kept me on my toes but were not knocking me over. Rocky black cliffs sprinkled with green falling into blue white washed waves bathing rocky shores with trail hugging steep sided hill equaled splendid views all the way. Spring flowers added a plus.

After covering 18 miles a day the first couple of days I decided to cut it a little shorter. I inquired at Port Isaac on a place to camp and was advised to check with the pub in neighboring Port Gaverne. At the pub I had a pint and talked with a couple of young Australian girls working the bar. One had actually been to Houston on her American road trip and related her enjoyment of traveling Texas and commented on how friendly the people are. The girls checked with a local man about a place to camp and I was directed a few minutes up the street to a farm that allows camping for 5 pounds. A flat field sheltered from the wind, a toilet with a shower, and a tap, what more do you need?

After setting up camp and getting a shower I returned to the pub for fish and chips where I almost passed out from the days physical activity combined with relaxation and pint. As far as the weather goes it looks like I’ll have a couple of more days like today until any risk of variable English weather returns. Hopefully luck will be on my side and I’ll have nice weather for the tougher bits later on.

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