December 15, 2011

Busyness and Distraction - It's Entertaining

As of late I’ve been feeling quite good rambling along a path of nuts and bolts but the practicality of reason has once again caste me under a spell of distraction in the form of busyness. Keenly focused and driven I proceed rapidly forward prioritizing the now in exchange for the later. Creativity takes a backseat as I reverse into an old familiar pattern. However, this time it feels a little different. Distraction is the culprit. I see it plain as white.

We live in a world full of distractions. Distraction seems to be a way of being nowadays with busy schedules, commercial clogged television, radio with more commercials, cell phones, and the Internet with a million and one ways to chew up time compliments of senseless viral videos. Not to mention, more commercials. In away it feels good to be distracted. It’s entertaining.

I don’t miss getting rid of the TV a year ago but I must admit I spend a little more time on the computer because of doing so. My work necessitates that I spend time on the internet but I frequently get off track as I check a news story or quickly look up the answer to a spontaneous question that pops up in my mind.

With technology exponentially speeding up our lives it’s a blessing and a curse. Sometimes I feel like it’s more of a curse. Although it’s easier to keep tabs on friends and acquaintances friendships tend to be more shallow. Everyone is spread so thin. For example, I have over 300 facebook friends but there’s only a few I’d say I really know. Out of those few there’s a much lesser number I’d say I actually communicate with on a semi regular basis about anything of real meaning.

Don’t get me wrong. I like the internet and have benefited greatly from it, however, I also think it’s changing how people relate and interact with one another. Social media is redefining what a friend is. Face time with verbal communication complemented by body language, facial expression and emotion just isn’t all that necessary anymore. If one is lucky enough they can jockey for a time slot in a friends busy schedule for a 30 minute coffee between appointments. If not this week, then the next. Everyone is so busy these days.

Social media seemingly makes the world a smaller place but it’s also a wonderful medium for misunderstanding and misinformation. What is meant to help bring the world closer together for the better is actually creating more serious extremes in my opinion but that’s another story. Just got distracted for a moment.

Technology with all its sleek and seductive appeal can open up more opportunities but it can also lead one further from who they really are. Distraction can be like a drug. It feels good not to feel when there’s something a person doesn’t want to feel. In an elusive way it can be allowed to define who or what an individual becomes. The Media moguls are wizards at defining what is in, hip, and cool. Under the right circumstances distraction is given an opportunity to define what we are.

So, what to do about distraction? Well, I guess it depends on the person but I’d say give yourself a moment without caffeine, alcohol, or and other kind of mind altering anything and spend a day or two with nothing as company. No plans, no schedules, no TV, no cell phone and no computer. I’d suggest going for a long walk. Don’t be enticed by Mr. Should. Under these circumstances most people won’t know what to do with themself and will feel kind of uncomfortable. After all, it’s really a waste of time? The individual will likely become distracted by the thought of what to do coupled with a wasting time feeling. Naturally they will revert to whoever they think they are or know they are. As I said before, distraction feels good. Might as well get busy again. Don’t want to waste any time.

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