January 3, 2012


Well, I coasted through the Holiday season smoothly. I flew up to Denver for a week to visit family over Christmas but other than that it’s been business as usual. I’m generally a little out of sorts over the holidays but start feeling like my old self after the New Year.

I can’t say I’ve really thought too much about the year ahead nor do I have any New Years resolutions. I don’t have any real plan but I do have some new intentions. So, I’ll see how that approach in attitude works.

I may not have any New Years resolutions but I do have some predictions. I don’t think anything is going to happen in relation to the Mayan calendar. I think the upcoming presidential election will be very close but Obama will win because the Republicans are going to sabotage their own party. I think there will be floods and disasters and everyone will blame it on global warming or an upcoming apocalypse. However, Today I think disasters are publicized on a much broader scale and people are simply more aware of things that have been happening for eons. Iraq will fall back into a political mess and the Middle East will continue to be a hub of instability. N. Korea will remain a huge mystery to the rest of the world. The Euro will hang on but the EU will change things up a bit. The dollar will remain weak but the U.S. economy will fare just fine. It’s amazing how much America still consume even in the worst of times. Bad in America isn’t bad compared to the rest of the world.

Predictions for myself? I think this year will be a period of reinvention and persona modification. There will be more travel with an increased focus towards right brain activity. More time will be spent contemplating the absurd coupled with dry humor and witty thought processes. Writing will become more regular. I’ll meet plenty of people and will make new friends. I’ll likely move on to a different home base arrangement and will start playing guitar at open mikes again. Something I haven’t done in years.

In the end 2012 will be another year. A year that will surely pass faster than the previous one. I’ll soak up every experience and be thankful for gift of every moment.

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