March 17, 2009

Think Piece Z

My time back in Houston has been quite ordinary and routine. Though some may find ordinary and routine to be comfortable and secure I sometimes find it to be quite unsettling. It's always nice to come back to a home base from time to time but to stay too long is to stay to long. Perhaps when one becomes too settled they take things for granted and forget about the good things that surround them. I know I do. When I travel and roam everything takes on a new perspective. For the most part I feel like it brings out the best in me. When I return to the stolid regularity of home life, attributes of myself surface, that aren't the best in my opinion. We all see ourselves differently than other people see us but as a thinker I feel like I'm more or less aware of my strengths and weaknesses. I've pondered the option of an ordinary life within the realm of normalcy but to partake in such a path would likely leave me feeling as though I was missing out on something. The predictability of 9-5 can tick by like an old Grandfather clock within the echoey stone halls of a 15th century Castle…. Days to weeks to months to years…. Looking back I can see segments of my life fully lived but I also see plenty of it squandered away…. Some say the Vagabond Travel lifestyle is an escape. Nothing more than running away… I guess the question is: What is one running From, or, To?…..

On a lighter note I've discussed this issue of thought with a couple of friends. A few years ago I told a friend that I just wanted live a regular normal life. He immediately burst out laughing and commented, "You're a Greener!", in reference to my choice of College/University. I come from the Alma Mater that boasts such greats as Matt Groening (the creator of the Simpsons) Etc.. Etc.. While attending the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington I camped in a forest on a bluff overlooking Puget Sound. I'd awake to the sound of seagulls in the morning, shower at the rec center, and study in the library. I much preferred that over the suitable apartment I had lived in before leaving it by choice to live in a tent, in the rain, with the birds and banana slugs. It was very peaceful… I would later go one to living out of a van but that's a different story…. Those were good years…

I think everyone has their own unique wiring and circuitry when it comes to the human psyche. We all have our riddles and rhymes. Often times I think it's easy to confuse our own unique callings with the opinions of others (good and bad) along with social programming that cannot be avoided. To top it all off we interpret, react, and respond to it all differently. Confusion can be an obstacle and often we're our own worst critic… Usually the best solution is the simplest.. That is to simply leave ourself alone, suspend self judgment, and allow things to happen naturally. Essentially I try to do my best to stay out of my own way unless I'm about to do something Stupid...……

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