June 13, 2012

Kind Of Like A Tibetan Thangka

Since my last post I’ve shaken a pesky cold and am on the up and up. Neon therapy at the Tall Texan, late night drinks at Warrens, and a party with friends at the Modern has made for a busy social week. The edges are smoother and the bumps in the road don’t seem so bad as I made an appointment to replace a CV boot, a couple of bushings, and rotate the tires. There are hold ups and pit stops along the avenues of our decisions but in the end I don’t mind walking when I can’t find a nearby parking space.

The piles of stuff that surround me in my single room studio garage apartment are being thinned out. A box shipped to Europe, Chile, somewhere in Nebraska and beyond. A trip to a consignment store, a donation or two to charity, and a sale on Craigslist to young hipsters that love the cool retro look.

Stacks of vinyl with grooves spiraling to a center point silently contain the rhythm and moods of another person’s art that’s taking up too much of my living space. With needle set upon vinyl I watch its journey to the center point only to be cut off by the dead wax and forced to retreat back to start all over again. Kind of like a Tibetan circle of life thangka. I suddenly feel the urge to travel again.

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