October 9, 2011

So, What Am I Doing? Ah, Good Question....

For the first two weeks upon my return I sailed right into a highly motivated work mode and successfully avoided making any real decisions about anything important. I was riding a nice wave avoiding the reef of change until I washed up upon a beach of exhaustion. I guess you could call it delayed post travel fatigue. I’ve been kind of tired and mildly unmotivated this past week. I really should get a haircut.

I was surprised by the quick pace of my daily runs as I strode along the paths near White Oak and Buffalo Bayous when I first returned. I guess it was all the walking abroad coupled with a dose of coolly sustained mild adrenalin that tends to be a byproduct of travel. However, last weekend, as I felt my pace slowing, I paused to ask myself, “What are you doing?” I replied, “Trying to make some money man. It takes money to live”. “Yeah, I know that. But what are you doing?” I talk to myself often. By doing so I can better see through my own misc. this and that. When I talk out loud it’s easier to distinguish when I’m being sensible or not.

Over the past week I’ve been dealing with the avoided issues while charging way too much on the Tarjeta Credico. Insurance, new tires for the car, dentist, etc. etc. Everything is more expensive. People ask, “How can you afford to travel so long?” My reply, “How can you afford to live in one place so long?”... It’s far less expensive for me to live traveling abroad. Go figure. However, I’ve got to make money somewhere, sometime and the USA, despite economic crisis and so forth, is still the best place on the planet with the most opportunities to make money. The dollar may currently be weak on the exchange but it’s still the currency of choice.

As of now I’m taking a step aside and am about to embark on a road trip to Colorado to visit family and friends. From Colorado I’ll likely return home via a longer route that will take me through West Texas. Once back I’ll have a new plan. This time for sure. I’m definitely going to change things in my realm of life at home. Wherever it be. Right now I actually have an ideal situation for my carefree travel ways but I feel a real need to go about things differently. Actually, I’ve been feeling the need for awhile.

So now, what am I doing? Good Question....

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