August 25, 2011

It's Do Nothing Day In Killarney

Over the past couple of days I’ve slipped into an indecisive funk coupled with indifference and disinterest. Ah yes, a bit of travel fatigue I’d say. The inner dialogue goes like something like this. “I’d like to do this but I want to do that but really I’m tired and want to rest. I need some sleep. Maybe I should just go home? No, I don’t want to go home. I want to keep going, and going, and going. Soo much to see and do. Ok, I’m going to do that. Wait, I changed my mind. No, I DO want to do that but what about? Ah, take a break, get a pint, and eat some lunch. Ok, Now I really ought to go there and do that because I only have so much time and I don’t want to waste any time doing nothing? Wow, this place is so cool and beautiful. I think I’ll go over there! But aren’t I kind of tired. I need some sleep. But no, go, go, go. Whoa, I am tired!”

I woke up little indecisive Monday morning but had the good sense to stay a day in Cork to visit an impressive cathedral, an old Prison and the town of Cobh where the Titanic made its last stop before heading across the Atlantic. On Tuesday I took a bus to Glengarriff with the intention of starting another long walk but changed my mind, checked into a hostel, and spent the day walking local trails. On Wednesday I awoke with the intentions of starting the long walk again but pouring rain made me take pause. Three super nice Germans from the hostel with a car offered me a ride to Killarney so I took it on a whim.

Killarney is a busy town that revolves around tourism and didn’t really attract me at first so I grabbed lunch and debated what to do next. I couldn’t really make a decision so I started to walk towards the bus station. I didn’t really think I wanted to stay in Killarney. On the way to the bus station I decided to take a quick look at a hostel that was supposed to be pretty cool.

I took a left at an intersection past a four star hotel and spotted the hostel sandwiched between the hotel and a pub advertising, “Drinking Consultants”. What really got my attention about the 250 year old building is the colorfully decorated green painted front with red trim, loads of flowers, and bicycle hanging from roof top left corner advertising rentals.

When I walked in I was enthusiastically greeted my Martin the hostel manager. Martin is from Poland and sports a Mohawk. He speaks fluid English with a thick Polish accent tainted with Irish wit. The narrow common area with stone walls, open fireplace, and thick tree slab tables creates an inviting atmosphere. The place is seething with character but more than anything it just feels good.

Martin showed me a room and it was equally inviting as the rest of the place so without much thought I checked into the 4 bed dorm. As I chatted with Martin I told him I was feeling kind of tired and have been on the road for a good while. Without even blinking he said, “You need to stay here two days and do nothing. I mean, do nothing. Just sleep, relax.”

When I awoke this morning I once again debated starting another long walk. Yes, I like to go on long walks, but with little thought I decided Martins advice was good advice so I checked in for another night and am doing nothing today. I’ll just hang out, catch up on the blog and fire off a few emails. Last night I slept really well. I have two roommates. One is a 30 something man from Ottawa, Canada and the other is a 30 something woman from Rome. We’re all solo travelers and seem to be on the same clock. Finding yourself in a place where you sleep well is almost reason enough to stay another night when you’re a long term traveler.

It's a do nothing day in Killarney

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