July 10, 2011

From Riga To Vilnius - Lithuania

The Italian, who I estimated was in his late twenties, commented in broken English that he would not be out long. I disagreed with him and commented, “Once you see how many beautiful women are in this city you will be out all night”.

For the past two days I shared a 4 bed hostel dorm with a mid twenties American, by the name of Alex, who has a deep interested in Russian literature and culture. He had already spent two years and Russia and speaks the language fluently. He is now on his way back to Russia but is spending two and a half weeks in the Baltic states of Europe before returning. Tonight we had a new roommate, Franceso from Milan.

Alex, like myself, is a traveler who is more interested in culture and natural beauty than night life and chasing chicks. Our new roommate is obviously more interested in nightlife. I was awakened at 6 am when he returned.

Riga, Latvia is a beautiful city with a really nice feel. It’s also full of beautiful women in their twenties. They are everywhere, all the time. I had heard of such places in Eastern Europe and obviously the word is out because many single men in their 20’s travel the region hunting for the perfect match. The kicker is this. There appears to be a lack of attractive women over 30. Hmmm, what’s up with that?

I was only going to stay 2 nights in Riga but stayed 3. I went for a nice run every morning and would head out about the same time some guys would be returning to the hostel. Riga was very relaxing and extremely easy. Easy is nice right now.

This morning I hopped a bus for a 4+ hour ride to Vilnius, Lithuania. Whereas Latvia reminded me more of Western Europe, Lithuania is more like I’d expect of Eastern Europe. It’s not so polished. It’s Europe without the sanitized for your protection paper around the toilet. Vilnius is a city full of Classic Brogue within an old town surrounded by a healthy dose of cold soviet utilitarian concrete.

The really nice thing about Eastern Europe is that it’s more or less half the price of Western Europe. Tonight I’m checked into a single room at the equivalent rate of $25 USD a night. I can stuff myself with local fare for $4 to $6 USD and a really good pint of local beer is around $2 USD as long as you stay out of the central tourist areas. Leave a little spare change for a tip if you feel like it because it’s only the nice restaurants where a waiter might expect a hefty 10% gratuity. I remember talking to a guy that had just traveled Eastern Europe shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union. It was like heaven for pennies in his eyes. Wish I’d listened to him then as I think the East is catching up pretty quick with its Western counterpart.

I’ve decided to spend two nights in Vilnius as I doubt I’ll be rushing back to Lithuania anytime soon. Once I leave here I’ll have to boogie to Budapest where I’ll catch up with a friend for a ride to France. I’m going to try and go from Vilnius directly to Krakow, Poland then overnight train it to Budapest. I’ll sort it out tomorrow.

I think my decision to return to the European Yoga Festival in France is a good one. In the process I’ll be reconnecting with many Friends. I look forward to the antics of Jerome from the UK, the kindness of Frederick and Stephanie from Lyon, and Corwin, a long time friend from Colorado who probably knows me better than anyone. I think this year’s Yoga Festival will be especially nice. I enjoyed last year’s event but I also had an itch to for other things at the same time that seemed to distract me. Right now my cup is full. I’ll be more than happy to pitch my tent next to a pond near a chateau while I absorb each and every moment of the three weeks I’ll be there.

Lately I’ve been really good about living in the present. I’ve been much more decisive than usual and find myself in a good space. As always I’m Extremely grateful for the freedoms and opportunities I have. Life is such an amazing adventure and I’m certainly enjoying the ride.

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