August 31, 2010

Towards The Pyreness - Chemin St Jacques

As I walked out of the village of La Romieu I noticed it was getting kind of warm but I was having a good day. All morning my spirits were high and I was happy to have had a chance to the visit 14th century Collegiale (church) which I wasn't sure was going to be open or not.

The landscape,comprised of hilly shallow ridges amidst agriculturally rich land, offers fine wide open views. In the distance I could see a village here and there. All with a church steeple designating the center.

Later that day I arrived in the village of Condom after covering 35 km (22 miles) in temps that peaked around 100 degrees fahrenheit. I can honestly say it really didn't feel bad at all. It's amazing how much the body can adjust as ones physical condition improves. I'm now feeling pretty darned strong and the pack really isn't bothering near as much as it was earlier in the trip. Walking 15 to 20 miles a day feels very reasonable.

Yesterday I got a late start out of Air sur l'Adour and camped in the village of Arzacq Arraziguet. For 3 Euros I pitched my tent in a field behind a Gite with access to a nearby shower and kitchen. This morning I awoke to a crisp view of the Pyrenees and took a photo from my tent (photo at top of post).

I've been moving along a bit quicker than expected and should arrive at my destination of St Jean Pied port either on Friday or Saturday. Saturday will mark exactly 4 weeks since my departure from Le Puy.

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