April 8, 2009

Philosophical Writing Experiment #243XZ417X

As a thinker I feel it’s my duty to make some kind of attempt to convey thoughts eloquently like classic philosophers of the past. For this post I have chosen to take a stab at commenting on contemporary culture and state of affairs pertaining to an individual in modern society. In a style consistent with a stream of consciousness approach I've combined my Evergreen State College background and conservative Texas upbringing to create a statement. I have never much cared for heady philosophical jargon but creating it is kind of interesting. The key is to not really think or over analyze what’s being written until it’s done. For this experiment I wrote quickly and didn’t really think while writing. The great thinker/songwriter, Bob Dylan, once commented that he had no idea where his writing came from…. So, Here it is……..


Those who stretch beyond the bounds of mediocrity pray for the peace of success. Sheltered within a structured space an oppressive orb of distention reveals a longing for something more. A purpose with meaning and a way through it all.

Foreign worlds surround us all within the microcosms of which we live and breathe. To fear a revealing of our own repressed truth is to persuade others who we are not. A mask is pleasant place to hide but a dreadful place dwell.

The begotten is forgotten as I stare at portraits of the past. Ghosts of the future come and gone. Dreams lived, forgotten, and or discarded. A mere glimpse of a fraction of time.. The wind blows and where once there were many there are none. An open field at one time a city. A civilization buried with the passing of time. I am left with a ponderance of existentialism.. But for what reason?..

The world is awash with the hem and haw of ill repute longing for the clarity of morality… A civilization with no rules is full of fools…….

Post Word……

In a few days I will be writing about distant lands, colorful people, and Pubs. To pour myself into the over analyzation of life’s complexities would be certain monkey business.

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