October 29, 2012

Houston - Inside The Loop - Thru The Backdoor

Houston is a large city. It’s the fourth largest in the USA. A red state with a robust Gas and Oil economy coupled with a connection to the Bush family fuels the fodder for misconception. As the French would say, “Houston? Texas? Ah Bushy”. Go ahead. Think of it as a redneck ultra conservative cow town full of tea party constituents but don’t expect everyone to speak English. Dos mas Cerveza por favor. Misconceptions have an upside. Houston is much wierder than Austin….

First of all over 900,000 thousand are Hispanic with around 700,000 of them claiming Spanish as their first language. After all, Texas was once a part of Mexico until Santa Anna was captured and his Army was defeated on a plot of swampy land right outside the Bayou City. The number of whites is around 500,000 with the number of Blacks being a just a little less. Asians make up about 125,000. From there is nice mix of ethnicities from all over the world. Swirled together in sprawled out mess of roads and traffic everyone seems to get along well in what I consider to be one of the more tolerant cities within America.

People have their preferences, political beliefs etc. but at the end of the day no one really cares if you like mustard on your hamburger or not. Why talk politics and religion when there are more important things to discuss such as, “It sure is hot out there”, “Where’s the Best Tex Mex” and “Have a nice day”.

You can either live inside the loop, outside the loop, or way out in the suburbs. Strip malls and chain restaurants/stores litter the major thorough fares. Restaurants and eating establishments are everywhere. Outside the loop, in a lit parking lot of a Best Buy and Target, may make one think they are in anywhere USA. However, inside the loop, close in, and thru the back door reveals a much more interesting twist to an otherwise plain white toast sort of city. Tourist bureau? No, that won’t do you much good. Houston is not a tourist city.

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