August 15, 2012

Not Looking For The End

The writer stares at a blank page like question mark without a sentence. "Give it up I think", as it doesn't seem to be happening. I'll get back to it. Twenty years later I think it's probably not going to change. The guitar is dusty and needs a new set of strings. I never saw myself as one to play late nights upon a corner stage or house concerts for the 50 and over crowd. I've got a little bit of time before 50 and I'm in no rush to get there. However, 25 seems like awhile ago and I'm loosing my taste for alcohol. I feel like I need to run High Octane for awhile. Step up the exercise just a little. Eat more fruits and vegatables. Continue to remove distractions. Run up the hills a little faster and drive a bit less.

At $4 a gallon for gas I know I'm in a resort economy. Sun Valley has no shortage of rich old people to fill the music tent for a classical concert. Acoustic strings are clear and warm in the dry summer air but nearby forest fires are making things smokey. A clear morning faded into a dark evening as smoke bellowed in. My clothes smell like I've been camping next to the campfire all night.

The mornings are clear and cool with little smoke so I ran up a narrow canyon of bare hills and agricultural valley. My strength is strong but legs are at a loss for speed as I feel gravity pulling backwards while ascending the uphill dirt road. Turning back I feel lighter as a breeze pushes me downhill retracing my steps. Over the last month I feel like I've regained a good portion of the old mountain athlete fitness I once had. Not too bad.

Feeling a case of valley disorientation I stepped into the Kethchum Forest Service office this morning. An older fellow with long grey hair and missing teeth very helpfully filled me up with maps and brochures full of wonderful hiking options. Ah, but the smoke. Again, it's not bad in the morning. Overnight winds shift and cool temps calm it down. I see a string of hikes with early starts.

Hopefully, the dry front with strong winds due to pass this afternoon won't blow up the fires that are already burning. The radio says a crew from Kentucky is on the way to help with the situation. Rain would nice but there's not even a chance of a thunderstorm until next week. Sunday at the earliest. A passing storm might do more to make the situation worse as lightning tends to be the number once cause of fires in the Western United States.

My only obstacle is smoke but above it all is blue sky and a brisk jetstream with an occsional weather front to stir things up. In a valley surrounded by mountains there are many options for a hike up to a beautiful place where one can put off tomorrow in exchange for a narrow trail thru timber and rock. To rise above treeline and gain an exposed ridge for a grand view of distance is the goal. Sign a summit register here and there before returning to where one began to start all over again. The trail never ends for one who is not looking for the end.

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