January 1, 2011

Checking In On The New Year.....

Since my last post about the November road trip things have been pretty routine. Just working a lot and mostly enjoying it. When I travel I travel and when I’m home I pretty much work all the time. It’s nice working for myself and although income is pretty low, in relation to time spent working, I greatly prefer being self employed. The only one I can complain to or about is myself. No office politics, rigid hours, or someone else telling me what I can or cannot do. I’m not saying I won’t work for anyone anymore but I’m hesitant to do so unless it’s a job that really appeals to me. I like working with people and being a part of team but I also like being the director my life. Work takes up so much time, that at worst, its best to be content with what you do. Fortunately I have the blessing and luxury to pretty much do as I please. Not everyone is as fortunate and this is something I constantly remind myself not to take for granted. At the end of the day I’m a very lucky man.

For Christmas I flew to Denver for a week to visit family and friends. It was a smooth and pleasant trip that highlighted an unexpected flight over the Rockies in an experimental aircraft. I write about it in length in the post above. It was far more pleasant than the commercial flight back to Houston where we circled above the city for almost an hour before navigating between thunderstorms to land. That was one of the more uncomfortable flights I’ve experienced in a long time.

Well, I’m getting ready for the new year. In 2011 I’m giving up TV and alcohol in exchange for a clearer mind. It’s not that I watch a lot of TV or drink all that much but I can’t say either one is really benefiting me. If anything they’re distractions that seemingly hold me back. Since most of my social life involves consuming a beer or two it will be interesting to see how things sort out socially. This year I intend to do more writing, traveling, and in some way volunteer to work in third world environment for a good cause.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to sell all my beer stocks Monday!