February 10, 2016

On To The South Island

Yesterday, Wednesday, I spent another day walking around Wellington and visited the Botanic Gardens. Wellington really is a wonderful city. It’s hilly with a mountain backdrop and sits on a bay with a long beautiful waterfront. There’s a creative vibe with art in various forms all over the city. The bars and cafes are interestingly decorated with a theme. It’s a healthy place with a noticeable lack of overweight people and an active running community. Mountain biking and water sports are also very popular. It’s the Nation’s capital and parliament sits and in an architectural anomaly known as the “Bee Hive”.

The weather has been breezy but the temperature is perfect. This morning I went for a run along the waterfront and there were plenty of other runners. Some guy ran up behind me unannounced. I could hear his heavy breathing just behind my shoulder. I guess he wanted to pace off me but I prefer to run alone and find other people’s heavy breathing to be annoying. I threw in a surge and dropped the guy. A couple of minutes later I could feel my gait change. I stopped and started to feel vertigo. I walked it off for a minute and continued at an easier pace and felt ok. That’s the first time I’ve ever felt any kind of vertigo when running, however, I do seem to be most susceptible in the morning. After my run, which only lasted 30 minutes, I walked, sat, and walked. I was fine.

I know that my Meniere’s vertigo is getting to be a common theme with these posts but it’s a part of what I am having to deal with while I travel. On top of that I’m still learning how to manage. My goal is to adjust and manage in a way that doesn’t require having to give up the things I like to do. I’ve never been one to just surrender, hang it up, and worry about the worst case scenario. Like I always say, “As long as you are alive you might as well live”.

Today should be interesting. I’m boarding a ferry at 2:45 this afternoon for the South Island. I’ll be crossing the notoriously choppy Cook’s Strait. It’s only a 3 hour ride and I usually do well in big boats but things are a little different now. I suppose it will be a test of sorts. I intentionally chose the afternoon ferry as I seem to be best off around midday.

The ferry arrives in Picton where I’ll meet up with a friend who lives there. The Northern portion of the South Island is wine country. I met Chrissy right around 8 years to day in Mendoza, Argentina which is also wine country. We were staying at the same place and wound up hanging out together touring vineyards and of course drinking wine. We kept in touch via Facebook. Upon my arrival in Picton I’ll meet up with her at a local cafĂ© and will surf her couch for a couple of nights. Naturally, given the circumstances, I’ll want to imbibe in some wine. I’ll just be sure to hold it at two on a full stomach. I think it will be ok. Regardless, it should be a good visit. It will be fun to catch up and I’m sure I’ll meet some locals.

The photo above is of the "Bee Hive" I mentioned. Parliament is in session right now.

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