September 7, 2008

Puenta La Reina - John Wayne ?

Another lovely day on the Camino and one I will dedicate to John Wayne. Why ? No particular reason except that he use to say, "Hey there Pilgrim !". It´s funny the stuff that goes around your head when you walk for hours on end. It´s all good.... Today I got a leisurely start out of Pamplona at 8am. I was about the last to leave the Albergue. Very nice weather today.  Plenty of sun and not too hot. Enroute to my next destination I decided  to actually read my guide book for a change and it´s a good thing I did. For an extra 2.5 km side trip I could visit a 12 century church. No brainer, of course ! This is the stuff I love about Europe. It just so old compared to the states. The church is called Eunate and I´d say it´s a must see for anyone walking the Camino.  The 12th century is apparently the time when the Camino saw the most Pilgrims. The Church is built in the style of Medieval Romanesque Architcture and is well preserved with some restoration. Built of stone and mortor with window paines made of some kind of thin sliced white transparent stone. Very nice. When you sit inside and think about where you are it´s a pretty cool feeling.  Before I left I walked around the church in a circular fashion 3 times because a lady told me it was the thing to do. I think I may be better for it. No, Really !..... Upon my arrival in Puenta La Reina, my destination for the night, I had a choice of 3 Albergues.  I figured everyone would stop at the first two so I continued about a 1/2 mile to the third option. Again, Another good choice today. It´s right outside of town and has a very nice swimming pool ! Rare for a hostel or Albergue.  As expected not many people. Another plus is that it offers a wonderful grassy area to camp. Since the weather is so nice I decided to ptich my tent for the night.... Well, Right now I think I´m going to finish my beer and go for a swim. I think pilgrims have it a little easier these days than they did in the 12th century !

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